Get ready to ride at Sandpoint's 17th annual Chafe 150 Gran Fondo, set for Saturday, June 15! The Chafe 150 bike race, presented by the Sandpoint Rotary, offers 150-, 80-, 40- and 25-mile road rides and 55- and, new in 2024, 75-mile gravel routes. There is also the family fun ride for everyone of all ages to enjoy. The after-ride party, held at City Beach Park from 2 to 8pm, concludes the day and includes prizes, food, a beer and wine garden, and music. Riders, their friends and family, and the entire community are invited to attend. Proceeds go to benefit Lake Pend Oreille School District's Book Trust program as well as other Rotary community Youth Services programs. Registration can be done online at Chafe150.org.