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Leading Farm to the Dinner Table

Leading Farm to the Dinner Table

The way farmers get their crops from their fields to your table has changed greatly over the last century. The company that is committed to getting the best equipment into the hands of North Idaho farmers and homeowners to accomplish that task is Papé Machinery.

“Automated systems, reliable implements and tractors have created healthier and less expensive food for an ever-expanding population”, said North Idaho Territory Manager, Doug Moser.

A farmer for over 37 years in the Clearwater Region of Central Idaho, Moser became well-known for developing a process for production of fresh-picked green garbanzos. He attributes the success of the North Idaho based family farm operation, Fresh Nature Foods ( to John Deere and the Papé Machinery Family. Papé’s “community-first” attitude and commitment to its people attracted Moser to the company. He now assists them as the Territory Manager for North Idaho and Montana.

Since the late 1930s, Papé machinery has prided itself in being “a good neighbor,” now in 21 locations throughout Oregon, Washington, Idaho and California offering trusted John Deere equipment, guiding technology and comprehensive maintenance solutions. Papé Machinery currently has locations in both Sandpoint and Bonners Ferry. Recently the Papé Group committed even more resources into the area with a commitment to begin the construction of a new facility. All this is being done in an effort to provide the best service to our entire region.

“Papé Machinery offers a new and exciting frontier of technology with Deere’s new AMS (Agricultural Management Solutions) Greenstar™- equipment within a wide range of integrated products and services. This technology impacts us all as it allows for less, or many cases 0 (zero) chemicals necessary to produce our food. ” said Moser.

For example, a John Deere StarFire™ equipped sprayer or tractor has a typical tracking accuracy better than any other manufacturer in the market; Its RTK (Real Time Kinematic) GPS offers absolute accuracy of ±2 cm, and relative accuracy in the millimeters – without touching the steering wheel! Crops can be planted without overlap, and should fungicides or pesticides be necessary, they can be applied more efficiently, which effectively puts less into our land and water supplies in turn making our environment and food safer.

Both farmers and urban individuals are participating in the effort to embrace “sustainable agriculture” and fair trade for the betterment of all people.

“Every day of the year, every year, each one of us relies on sustainable agriculture – and justifiably we at Papé support that balanced effort by helping growers to become more efficient, ecologically sustainable, and ultimately we all enjoy that success. There is an ample amount of safe nourishment at an affordable price on a year-round basis”, said Moser.

It wasn’t long ago that you could only get strawberries on a seasonal basis, three weeks of the year. Whether it’s the cultural movement of “farm-to-table, farm-to-fork, or farm-to-school,” it’s become a balanced blend of ecological and environmental sustainability. John Deere and Papé are committed to that end. Did you know that many John Deere body panels are made of corn and soybean derivatives? “Each batch that John Deere uses saves 10 barrels of petroleum and reduces greenhouse-gas emissions by 34,000 pounds,” said Moser.

Whether you simply need some machinery advice, a new lawn mower to cut down on your Saturday yard work, or equipment for your day-to-day operations, Papé has you covered. We’re here to keep you moving. The Papé pledge has been kept now for over four generations – and we’ll continue to keep that promise for generations to come,” said Moser.

The Papé Family created a Foundation ( fashioned to bring families together in each of the communities it serves. Without a doubt, with its many locations throughout the West, there’s a good chance that what’s on your plate for dinner tonight was brought to you in part by Papé Machinery. .

Papé Machinery

1201 Fontaine Drive

Ponderay, ID 83852


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